Friday, July 30, 2010

Varengeville Temptation

On the way back from Dieppe yesterday afternoon we discovered one of the real reasons why the village of Varengeville was so popular with so many painters. Apart from being frequently visited by Monet, Pissaro and their like, Georges Braque lived here for most of his life and I believe was visited by Ben Nicholson, Patrick Heron and Rothko. Maison Boivin may have been one of the reasons. The best pastries we have ever seen and tasted.

Visit to Dieppe Château Musée

An interesting exhibition which was curated under the umbrella of "The impressionists in Dieppe" It included a number of paintings by Boudin of showing the skies for which he was so well known.
There were one or two obligatory Renoir & Monet
but the real surprise was Eva Gonzalès one of the lesser known female artists. I had never seen any of her work before . Here are a couple of images from the exhibition.

Another unknown to me was Pierre Isodore Bureau who only exhibited with the Impressionists at their second show. This was an image with wonderfuls areas of flat planes of colour.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jour de repos

Notre jour de repos. The gallery is closed for today. We may be off to Château Musée de Dieppe to see the current exhibition. Exhibition

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yesterday's Painting

The cavées take on a different aspect in high summer. The dense foliage & intense sunlight give strange lighting effects with shafts of coloured light.

Les Cavées prennent un aspect différent en plein été. Le feuillage dense et la lumière du soleil intense donnent des effets de lumière étrange avec des éclats de lumière colorée.

Beautiful Portraits

Visit Stephen Lawler's portfolio. Marvellous portraits. Certainly has the character of a modern Vermeer.

Early Risers

Woken at 6am by market traders outside the gate setting up stalls.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sunny Day

What promised to be a warm sunny day wasn't. We have a beautiful evening though. The Normandy climate.

Informations Dieppoises

A recent visit from a journalist, with an article appearing in today's edition of one of our local newspapers. Includes "les petites puces"!

Monday, July 26, 2010

the other cavée paintings

I seem to get stuck on subjects for a while

The other cavée paintings

cavée du marché avril

The other cavée paintings

Cavée du marché mars

Cavée paintings revisited

I've revisited my last cavée painting and restated some of the image. I think I lost some of my conviction. cavée du marché mai version 2

Friday, July 23, 2010

The same subject

The latest of these paintings to show the cliffs of Veules les Roses. I'm sure it won't be the last.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Then there is the last painting without adhering to the colour convention of the others.

The first falaise painting was more literal just finding the geometry of the structure and redefining the drawing.

The falaises appear as a fortress. The ramparts of Normandie This is the second painting on the subject and I have become involved in the structure of the chalk.

Monday, July 19, 2010

'Envie de Mer'

Our current exhibition runs until 8 August 2010. It celebrates the sea, with its many facades and moods. The Côte d'Albâtre is featured in many paintings, alongside some marine locations situated further away, New Zealand being the most distant.